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Calories are important

May 12, 2018 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Today I learned what it feels like to long run farther than 12 miles without sufficient calories.

So last night for dinner, I just had some potatoes and meatloaf. Didn't eat much else but I did keep myself hydrated throughout the evening. I went to sleep at like 12:34am after watching an exciting Twins win. Then my body woke me up at like 8:30am and I dicked around for a couple of hours until getting out of bed at like 10:30 to consume a bagel, a glass of orange juice, and a slice of pineapple. So we are looking at like 400 calories here plus like 500 calories from dinner last night. If even that. I then waited another hour by reading the treasury and dicking around some more before going out to run. I was thinking I would go like 8 miles. Solo of course (#GrindSZN).

But then like 5 miles in I was like ya know what? fuck this. Let's go long. The plan was to see how far I could go until my calorie deficit took over. I was CRUISING through 10 miles feeling great, but then shortly after that I started to feel the lack of fuel. It was actually good that at 10 miles I was 6 miles away from home because if I were closer I would have been soft and cut it short. Needless to say, the last 6 miles were painful and built character, but I made it through without ever going above 6:50 for a mile. In the past I had always gotten by no problem smashing 10-12 mile runs with little fuel or after a long night of drinking, but now I have learned that anything above 12 miles really requires proper fueling if you want to be comfortable at all. TBH my mind really wanted to push longer for today's run but I physically could not.

I was wearing my Begone Thot cutoff for the run so S/O Tyler and Austin for the awesome gift. When my mom saw me when I got home she was not pleased, saying, "I recently learned what thot means and I don't like that shirt" lol. I still plan on repping it in future road races along with a Hamm's hat.

Last time I did a long run (10+ miles) was when I did 11 back on March 31st so it's been a while. This was also my longest run of the year since I did 12.38 on January 6th.

So shortly after getting home I was ordered by the parents to earn my keep by doing yard work because it's #MulchSZN. Now I am enjoying post grad life by learning the ways of Fortnite from my brother and reliving my childhood playing Kingdom Hearts.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
16.2 Miles 1:47:26 6:37 / Mile