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May 31, 2018 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Elliptical

I don't even know how to start this or where to begin. Sigh, I'm on my week off of running and don't know
where to begin, but here goes nothing. This is the log that you've all been waiting for. OH YOU haven't been waiting for this log? YOU DEFINITELY HAVE BEEN! The story that every logger has been dying to hear. The story of Liz and I.

Liz-a-Poo-Mc-Woodle-Witz, I've been dating you for almost 9 months. That's 273.75 days, 6570.01 hours, 394200 minutes, and 23652000.00789 seconds. What a long while indeed. I've loved every second, I've spend with you and wanted to write several paragraphs to express this. Oh boi, oh mannnnnnnnnnnn!

On August 11th, we entered into a vehicle with Sean Virden, Wes Diener, and Jack Adams hardly knowin one another for summer camp 2018. I originally put you in the late car, but because I guess that worked out the best, but OF COURSE you had to fight the travel coordinator about it (lmao jk jk, you didn't realllllllly fight me). I definitely felt bad that I put you in an all guys car though, so I tried extra hard to make sure you didn't want to kys.

Sean Virden's truck was not made to carry a bunch of luggage, tents, and running stuff in the rain (as we had to stop 4 times within the first hour), but it was made to carry the foundation that our love stands upon. We talked more and more and grew closer and closer, despite Sean barely driving on the road, Wes getting overly excited about women's steeple, and Jack getting mad at them.

Time passed and we eventually made it to summer camp. I though that after the initial carride, we wouldn't talk a lot from there.... but oh loggers t'was only just the beginning!

A lot didn't happen that day, but the next day is when everything changed. Apparently, you (Liz, as this log is dedicated to you) had been more/less flirting throughout most of Saturday, but I didn't really notice.

By the time, I did notice, I had no idea what to do. I hadn't had any flirting interactions since Failed Zoo Date 2018, which I guess wasn't long ago in retrospect, but still tough times. It was Saturday night and after a long day of dune climbing and running, we got absolutely wasted at the campsite. I bought a fifth of fireball and decided to share it with you, since we were becoming closer friends (LOL, that's genuninely what I thought friend). That made you pretty drunk to the point where you don't even remember the meteror shower that night, but that wasn't even near the greatest sight of that night ;)

Everyone apparently knew you were flirting with me except me. Stephanie told me that Liz wanted to make out with me. My god, the makeout queen herself?! (story for another time, not told by me). I was hesitant due to my lack of girl experience for over a year and a half at that point, but finally it took one man to finally convince me to make a move. He told me one thing I shall never forget.

The man said "Just kiss her Riley. Maybe it'll be a small kiss that you remember and laugh about later or potentially mean something more".

Al Shoopman was that man.....

Never had I made out with someone for that long on that night. Why.... we made out for 2 and a half hours on random trees and cars. It was a mess, but quite a fun time. At one point during the end of the drunken makeout, the following dialog happened.

"Dis only has to be a one time thing" said RVP, nervous he was hurting a friendship.

"HAAAAAAA, I don't do one time things" said a drunken, but determined Liz. We probably made out for another hour after that.

And it wasn't until 4am in a really dark port-a-jon and well after you had went to sleep that I realized I realllllly liked you. Oh man, the caterpillars, the caterpillars. I still wondered whether it'd be a one time thing, but was bound and determined to make those caterpillars into butterflies!

During the next few days, we texted (you texted first, because I follow the 3 day rule, but apparently you don't believe that) and eventually went on our first date to Blaze Pizza. I remember that date like it was yesterday. We didn't stay for more than hour, but I knew there was something special from the moment I saw your toothy-pizza filled-smile from across the table. I knew it was going somewhere.

Thankfully, several other dates happened. After the second date/Melanie's party, I finally told you that I liked you a lot. Drunk Liz took that very well and told me she liked me back. After several Grand River drunken makeouts, I walked you back to Landon and joyfully ran a 6:10 mile to Conrads to meet Ryan. Many would think i was just trying to rush to Conrads, but really I was happy that u liked meeeeeee back OH HA HA HA JOY JOI HOY ME NOY.

On the way up, you're always going to go down a little bit. So we hit a few rough patches, but we managed to bounch back just in time for your birthday. To my surprise, even though we had only been casually dating for a short time you had wanted to spend your birthday with me. Man oh man, what a treat. Despite having to deal with intense rap music drowning out the romantic buildup that was occurring, we had quite a fun time at Peanut Barrel 8/10.

Weeks went by and I knew things were going pretty well. I liked you a lot and decided to finally ask you to be my girlfriend. I was trying to figure out a really way to do it. That night on September 16th, we went to go see the movie IT. Despite you not liking IT alot (I thought it was pretty solid 7/10), I was still couldn't quite figure out how to ask you out. Though I had just saw a move about a killer clown, I was the true clown. Time to stop clowning around.

Really late into the night, while we were just chillin in bed, I finally let the question slip. Yeah I know I could've done it in a cooler way, like pop out of someones locker in a suit (throwback to junior year of high school), but it felt like the right time. So ever since then, you have been the best girlfriend a guyyyyyyy could ask for. Oh man, oh god, oh boiiiiiiii.

In spite of all the great things that I felt, the feelings grew stronger with every single hangout/date. At this point, we we had only been boyfriend/girlfriend for one month, but the autumn love was growing upon the demise of the leaves and flowers.

There was love in the air and not a second to spare.

Every time we hung out went by in the blink of an eye, as we had so much fun together. Friends would get mad at the amount of time we spent together, but man it was always such a fun time. From our occasional 9 minute per mile runs to us occasionally watching HIMYM and choosing to makeout instead, life was good.

There was one night in particular where I finally had to tell you I loved you. Oh man, oh BOYYYYYYYY, Oh good golly mannnnnnn, I had to find the right moment. I thought about it for several weeks and then one month and a half into our relationship, I finally had to break it to you. And where would I do this, you're probably asking?

HAHAHAHAH, in the bed again!

"I LOVE YOU" said RVP after a long explanation of why/what. Liz blushed with excitement and after an hour (I had to wait RIP), she finally said it back and we've been going like two pans and a pot, ever since.

So that was the story of our relationship. I know everyone enjoyed it so much. I didn't even get to explain when Liz met my family at Thanksgiving/Christmas, our various track/XC adventures, our 7-8 Blaze Pizza adventures, and so much more. SO MUCH MORE, I COULD TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT MORE! It's been gr8.

RVP has one more message for Liz to end things.

I love so much about you from your impulsive personality to your curly hair to your deep thoughts about life to you thinking every single thing I do is really cute. Liz, you're pretty darn great and I hope every single person on this log LOVED reading this as MUCH AS I LOVED TYPING IT. So that's all I got to right.

Peace out!