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August 1, 2018 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70s

Only a half mile away from the Ginste household, I saw two large groups of girls walking about 300m or so from each other. It was really dark outside and 9:30 or 9:40pm at this point. I was thinking "wut, is going on in Rochester at this time?". I asked Maginste's younger brother what was going on, but he didn't seem to know lol. I guess we'll never truly know the mystery of Wednesday Thotchester.

Today's run felt awful. My legs have been feeling rough since last week. Only a half mile into the run, my right knee was absolutely killing me. I stopped to stretch it and almost turned around, but decided to fight through the run. My knee ended up feeling better, but my calves and legs just felt absolutely shredded. Not sure whether to keep going or take some time off. I'm thinking all of this soreness is stemming from changing shoes. My legs must've gotten used to the Hoka's cushion and didn't adjust well to a more neutral shoe.

RIP in peace, Mattawan might be rough this week. I ranked myself 4th for meme sake, but it might honestly be worse if I can't get these legs working in the next few days. BTW, EVERYONE GO TO THE FORUM AND PLACE YOUR BETS ON ORDER! Me, Lucas, Paolo, BJ, Austin, Tyler, Joe Hegger, and Wild Wes are all racing, so place your rankings and make your bets!

But yeah, this run was honestly so rough. I felt fine breathing-wise and overall pace was completely fine too, but the feeling in my legs has me a bit worried, not gonna lie.

EDIT: Also, I got behind on logs for the last 3 days. Just got caught up, so feel free to check them out if you're into mediocre workouts and Wild Wes making power moves.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.06 Miles 43:41 7:12 / Mile Easy Brooks Glycerin 15