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The Wet Wardog

September 20, 2018 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Humid

Let's talk about possibly one of the top 10 shittiest starts to the day of my life. (btw ran 3 miles with Tom on Abbott, no idea on exact distance and time)

So today was the Sales Career Fair. And this year, I was pretty decently prepared, because ya know I'm trying to get a decent job after graduation. I prepared and research for this at least 3 days in advanced, so this was a big deal for me and there were some companies that I was going hardcore for.

So, I show up to my 9am internship fully suited up. I had a hectic schedule today and I knew I had no time to go back home and change. For reference, here's what today's schedule looked like.

9am-12pm: Internship
1-2:20pm: Class
2:40-4:00: Class
4:00-7:30: Sales Career Fair

So not a lot of time in between and plus i had an assignment to finish up as well. Anyways, I get out of my internship and it's raining pretty hard outside. My dumbass doesn't have an umbrella or any change of clothes. (I never used an umbrella until my sophomore year of college RIP, didn't believe in that shit). So, I strategized. I put on some running shoes that I had (I didn't want my good shoes to get wet) and started to run to Snyphi to eat real quick and then go to class. Well half way through my run (which I was originally planning on logging but nah fam lol), it starts pouring and i have no where to go. My suit (which was already wet) gets absolutely soaked. I felt like Lucas after a rough day of NCAA football and definitely yelled "Fuck" as loud as I could in the middle of campus. I got to Snyphi and my suit was absolutely drenched and I had nothing to change into. It was 12:40 at this point and I had class at 1pm. I hadn't eaten either. I ultimately decided "fuck class" (I emailed my professor though, because I try to be a decent student) and I ubered to Capitol Villa where my car was. 9 dollars for a 4 minute drive, but I was already tired and defeated.

So eventually i drove back to Chandler and threw my suit in the dryer. At this point, I was also frantically trying to finish my assignment for next class and making sure I remembered all of the information I was going to use for the career fair. I managed to get my suit dry enough (still had a wet war dog smell though RUFF RUFF) and then I managed to make it to class a minute late. I was fucking starving in class and contemplated eating my own foot. Luckily, I pushed through class, grabbed some Jimmy Johns, and had a decently successful career fair.

Did I stroke out a few times? Maybe. Brain hematoma here and there? Perhaps. But the day ultimately worked out and i had some great conversations. Hopefully, I can get a job after this.

My advice to you fellow loggers is that when the day gets rough, keep moving forward. It was a horrible start to the day, but just because it starts off bad doesn't mean it has to end that way. Keep on howling my fellow business wardogs, even if you become the wet dog.

Quote of the day: "Ain't no stress on me Lord, I'm movin' forward" - Kids See Quote

Also, don't forget to add @Lucas on LinkedIn. IT'S LINKEDIN SZN BOYZ! (ok this logs is getting kms-tier. Adios boyz)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.12 Miles 22:00 7:03 / Mile Easy Brooks Adreneline 18