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Happiness is Overrated

October 9, 2018 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

Super depressing biking in the dark because the volleyball team was watching a movie. Amory was kind enough to switch machines to join me though, which was very sweet. I'm feeling very anxious and I wish so badly that I could run to help alleviate it because depressing x-training just makes everything worse.

My only good part of practice was that Anthony had us do these really challenging pushup variation exercises at the beginning of practice and I did the whole first one with good form and without dropping which (apparently) we're all supposed to be able to do, but I definitely wouldn't have been able to in past seasons and I feel proud that I can now because I've been really committed to doing daily-ish pushups this fall and it's fun to feel strong!!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.2 Miles 30:00 3:39 / Mile