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The worst lifting day

November 19, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Weights

This is the worst lifting day by far.

Circut 1:

MB pushups x 10 each arm with biggest MB
(These were okay, struggled through the last few on the last set. Still good though with doing other pushups before hand)

Standing Military Press x15 with 24
(Moved down to 12's this week. Better than last week for sure but still had to stop and rest in the third set. Hopefully I can improve on this in the future)

7,5,3 (More than last week especially in the second set. I'm just real tired at this point so I can't do as many as I do on the other day)

Straight Bar Curl x15 with 45
(The hard thing about these is that they come straight after pullups which means my arms are already tired. But this weight is definitly good so I'll stick to it)

Circut 2

DB straight raises x 15 with 10's
(These didn't feel so bad at the start but by the end they got super tough. Just all the stuff piled on top of each other makes each indivudial lift that much tougher)

DB Rear Delt x 15 with 12's
(These suck I squeeze and squeeze my back and its just so hard to get the weight up. Hopefully this will help me with my back swing when running though)

EZ Bar Skull Crusher x 15 with 30
(I'm pretty sure I used the 30 bar last week. I haven't chacked though. These like most of the circut wouldn't be that hard on their own but mixing them with everything else makes it real tough)

Bench Dips x 20
(Again these shouldn't be hard but because they come at the end of this I struggle to get all 20 by the end. The workout just wears me down)

Extra: I talked to coach about not being able to lift my arms very high at the end of workouts and she said that I should do arm runs. SO I did one set of 100 with 5's. I probably should do more and I will in future weeks. I'll probably add these to every lifting day.

General Comments:
Very good with the rest again today. Relly cut it down which is good. Conversly this also makes the workout that much tougher which also sucks