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Tempo Run in the Mountains

February 27, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Ran up Moscanica valley to Faletici, the last village, before turning around and heading up an insanely steep hill all the war to the edge of the national park I went hiking in with Aisha, Zoe, Sarah and Rick this fall. I eventually found myself on a snow-covered trail through a beautiful stretch of woods which I had a wonderful time exploring. It turned out to be a loop, depositing at a mountain lodge restaurant where I stopped for a bowl of hot soup before descending the mountain.

On the whole, this was an excellent workout -- one of the best so far this season. I originally intended it be a tempo run, which it was for the first hour (after a 1-mile warm-up) but it was also a serious hill workout with hills that I was pushing and panting my way up the entire way for anywhere from 2 to 15 minutes. And then top of that it was a medium-long run. Felt sore from the outset but just kept telling myself I was strong and somehow managed to power through it the whole way. The snowy woods trail at the top was the crown jewel of run, a reward for what amount to an hour and half of climbing.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
16.5 Miles