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I did it! (but oy... at what cost)

June 10, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Finally achieved my goal from back in March—all year really—of making a loop by crossing the uninhabited hills north of the city. This was the most brutally sunny run I’ve done since last summer, maybe longer, but I barely have any days left in Sarajevo and when I woke up this morning and returned the rental car to the place by Safet Zajko I was determined to go the through with it. For once I was already situated between the two entry points to the hills so I could then run a loop rather than a lollipop. The first few miles were mercilessly hot and shadeless, as were the next few miles, and the next ones after that. Basically, I was in the sun the whole time at midday despite always having trees and houses alongside the road. Please, someone, remind me not to go running in the middle of a cloudless day 10 days before the summer solstice with no hat or sunblock. Better yet, just don't run then at all. It's just hot and unpleasant. Fortunately, I still have sunblock on from yesterday which gave me some protection so I didn't get super burned. More pressing at the time was the fact that I hadn't had breakfast or more than one glass of water before I left, but a part of me was determined to prove that hydration is over-rated (you may recall I ran half my 34-mile long run this winter on a totally empty stomach). This however was in the heat and as I was continually passing little streams, I was constantly reminded of the fact that I wanted water. Eventually, after 2 hours or so, I stopped at farm house that has a cesma, a little ritual marble handwashing station usually found in front of mosques and fed by (presumably) a mountain spring. I asked the homeowner tending her garden if I could wash and she said yes but I failed to ask whether it was safe to drink. I sure hope it was! Lack of food didn't seem to bother me, but its probably because I was still burning off last night's big dinner. And it wasn't intolerably hot, just annoying sunny. Eventually I made it to the top of the hill overlooking the city and shouted with triumph. The way down was sweet at first but then seemed to drag on forever. All in all, I'm happy I accomplished this goal, but it wasn't worth doing under these circumstances.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
13.1 Miles