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Running free with EKZ!

October 7, 2019 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Ran over to Porter Square to meet Emilia Kaslow-Zieve (‘15) this evening. She is recovering from an injury that led her to postpone our run last week, so she wanted to keep it light and only run a few miles. “Keeping it light” however it does not seem to mean slackening her pace one bit. I started us off at what I considered a normal casual pace for me (probably around 7:45-8:15), but within a couple blocks she was picking it up. I myself was not in great shape for a tempo run given that my calves are still tight from yesterday’s race and that I basically booked it over to meet her for 2 miles at something between a tempo and a race pace because I left late. Our pace remained swift but conversational until the last mile when she powered us up a long hill, and I found myself telling her about my weekend in half sentences punctuated by sporadic gasps. No signs of great exertion on her end. She really does not seem to realize how talented she is (despite having her name still on the GDS record board for the 4 x 8). Hopefully she’ll be healthy for her half marathon next month and will find herself placing in the top 25, or maybe even the top 10!

Ran home by way of a playground which was kinda calling out to me in the dark. I wish they made these adult size... Still fit in the covered slide though, and I don’t think anyone saw. I may really need a day off tomorrow although the more logical day to take off would be Wednesday since it’ll be Yom Kippur and I won’t be able to safely run until after the break fast.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.5 Miles