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The Winter Break Lifts

December 8, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Weights

Winter Break Lifts came out today. I'll probablt contiune to do this weeks lifts all break in addition to the other circuts added.

Just one Circut today 3 times through:
DL? Box Jumps x20
(Did the biggest box. Felt pretty good. I think the elipticaling worked my quads some before this which tired my legs out a bit. We'll see next week when I'm running)

Squats x 20 with 115 then 105 for the last 2 sets
(I felt like I wan't getting low enough at 115 so I moved down in weight. I think this si a good weight to go with)

LAteral Box Step ups x15 each leg with 45
(These felt okay. My legs were just tired. Probably increase weight next time)

Straight Leg Dead Lift x 20 with 45 then 95
(This in the right weight. My back is pretty sore now which is good. Bohered me during my final but thats okay. 95 is a good weight)

Calf Raises 3x20 with 45 on the machiene
(Not bad. My calves burned pretty bad though. This is good. I'mm probably just increase sets instead of weights for this)

Pullups 11,6,4
(I did 11 pullups!!! Which is a lot. I seeing good improvement over this year at these which is amazing. New goal is 3 sets of 10 or 15)

DB Arm Runs 2x100 with 5
(These sucked cuz my arms were pretty tired. Thats good though because thats what I need at the end of races)

General Notes: I felt this was pretty leg intensive which I think is a good thing. I feel like my legs are pretty week compared to most other people's and I think more leg strength will make me a faster runner