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rebellious run

May 8, 2020 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

So great to get out for a run in the rain with Julia Smith after eight hours of an online academic conference political violence and rebellions. That put me in a bit of a rebellious mood and also made me very eager to put words into action. I was so eager for freedom when it ended that I dashed up to our designated meeting place (the fountain in Chevy Chase Circle) at a 6:12 pace (well, also because I had texted her to ask if she wanted to run earlier than planned and it turned out we both just needed to change clothes and put on running shoes and so I said we should see who could get changed and up to the circle first). I can’t tell you our rebellious route because it’s top secret... ask me in seven years when the statue of limitations has expired. Or when I’m really in the mood for storytelling. In any case, on our way back from out rebellion we saw a couple of Belbers running, neither of which was Anthony. Actually, they were walking when I saw them but I asked them if they wanted to run with us and they agreed so we had a nice jovial jaunt back to the Belber house. They both seem to be in pretty good shape! We also saw a very fat woodland mammal about the size and girth of a washtub crawling into a drainage pipe that looked like a cross between a beaver and a groundhog, but more like a mutant groundhog because it was way too big. It was not in very good shape given how fat it was but it was rather delightful to behold. On the way back to my house I decided to try going fast for the first time and I don’t know, three months. I don’t know if it was fast but I was winded. Felt good to challenge myself. Maybe I’ll do it again sometime.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.1 Miles