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Purple Runner at Coot

January 2, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 30s, partly cloudy and paked snow on the dourse

Predict today. I managed a quick .75 warm-up. I predicted 23:38 on the packed snow, and I wore my screw shoes. Iwent out aq tad fast, then had to hang on. I was doing okay until the last 100 yards or so when I felt a sore spot in my left butt. Before I made it across the finish I pulled my gluteus, and had to hobble across the line. I ran 23:46, 8 seconds off and good for second. I think this injury is going to keep me wawy from running for quite a while, it's a nasty pull.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.7 Miles 31:46
0.75 Miles 8:00 10:39 / Mile Warmup  
2.95 Miles 23:46 8:03 / Mile