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Run with Meghan and Sora...then weight room with Hewitt bros and coach.

January 6, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Well, so I have a lil pouch o' fat from christmas(: haha I felt it weighing me down a little bit on this run. HOW SAD IS THAT?
Anyways, other than that it was a good run with sora and meghan. It was fun. I had to go to the bathroom like 80 bajillion times though! I don't know what is wrong with me. this happened yesterday too. But I only stopped once, at tully, to relieve myself. so it didn't really take up too much time.
Then we crossed the scary pipe and climbed a hill of muddddd. that was so fun.
Then we went to the weight room and all the stuff we did is in sora's log so i'ma not gonna write it down. GOOD DAY. NICE RUN. YUMMY SUPPER. [I was so incredibly hungry after practice]

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.16 Miles 26:00 8:13 / Mile