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Walk /jog 2.min splits (7ea)

August 8, 2008 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Sunny 64

Great outing today. Legs were a little shaky when I got up this morning. Because it is my day off, I was able to start off at almost7am as apposed to 3:40. This let me see my splits the whole time and I learned a little more about how my watch works. I was wondering how to proceed with next week when I will be running and walking for different splits. Apparently, Nike has taken care of this problem so I can set the timer to specific times on specific splits. I just love technology. I did the same as yesterday and got a little closer to Akers this time. It did seem like I took longer but that was probably attributed to traffic and having to stop at busy intersections before crossing.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.5 Miles 34:00 13:36 / Mile