View Workout (Marisa "Quicksand" "Equine" Messina :))

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harder better faster stronger good-er :D

March 31, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: sunny (when the sun came up). started at 45, went up to ~55

I got up at 6:30 this morning, and was on the track before 7 (and before the sun was even really up!) Jogged 4 laps in the outside lane, increasing pace a little bit on each lap. Then drills and leg swings, game face on, and here I go.
I persuaded my dad to stand in the freezing cold and use my cell phone stopwatch to time my repeats. That man is amazing.
I did 4 300s (which actually turned out to be 310s, I found out later when I looked at where I'd been starting - too many triangles on that track! Can't keep em all straight! ooops...) with 100 recovery, then after the 4th one took a 500 recovery. Then 4 more with 100 recoveries.
The times were slow but consistent (71, 68, 69, 70, [break], 68, 69, 71, 69). I attribute the slowness to the altitude (7000 feet), the extra distance (those 10 meters probably made a difference), and running all by myself. Although I'm disappointed with the times (I had a 63 target in my head for some reason), I could not have given more effort. I literally thought I was going to throw up after every single one of the sprints. (Matt, you and I had a talk once about running some workouts beyond your breaking point...I really took that approach today!) I'm sort of amazed that I am still alive actually.
So even though I had been considering doing 12, after the 4th one I knew 8 was the magic number. After the 7th one, I told myself that if I wasn't below 70 I was going to run two more. (Phew, just under the wire with 69!)
Then I jogged a slow mile cooldown and stretched really well.
This workout really reminded me that running is 90% mental. I didn't want to get out of bed but I did it. I didn't want to run the sprints because I was tired, but I powered through. And I am so proud of myself for doing it.
I would never ever have gotten out there if it weren't for my OUTSTANDING teammates, especially Spergel, who sent me 12 texts last night (at midnight her time, no less) with all the inspiration I could ever need. In her words, "just the fact that you're out there doing it alone means so much [...] When you're in a race and tired and alone, you're going to be able to say 'i did that, I can do this too' and push through." Spergel, those words kept me going today. I couldn't have done it without you. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles 0:00
1.0 Miles Warmup  
2.0 Miles Speed  
1.0 Miles Cooldown