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NE Islands

May 6, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Run with TURC. The downside of running with these dickweeds is that some of the younguns are running like they always have something to prove. No one on this team even has slightest sense of intelligent training, not that I am an expert myself, but I know not to pound 6:15 pace every day if I'm a 17:00 5K guy. This run was quick, but I didn't really mind sense I'm tapering anyways. Called Tyler out on it after a few miles because we were dropping people.

Ended the run with 6 strides on the track. Legs feel Effing amazing. Minus the numbness, but a few 'profean before the run seem to keep that at bay. Tots not a long term solution, but it will work since I only have 7 more runs until I can start taking time off. Back "push ups" seem to have no appreciable effect.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.5 Miles 45:00 6:55 / Mile   Mizuno wave Elixir (Lime Green)