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May 21, 2010 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

ok, I wrote some giant paragraph about before the race and my race but it somehow got deleted so I'm now going to summarize everything I wrote.

I got to bsu early, had to improvise to get in. watched races. warmed up with lila and taylor. agilities and stretches. race time. followed meeker first lap. don't remember second or third lap that well. last lap I was in 7th or 8th. ran it hard. last 100 battled hard. sound like tarzan or something right, huh?. just kidding. I got 6th. I'm so happy. It felt so sureal. Thats really all I can say to describe it. I also pr'd by 6 seconds.

The 800 and girls 1600 were awesome. Callie even though you probable think you didn't have the best race, you still would have beaten yourself at every other meet besides districts. You did awesome. It takes guts to take the lead that early and power through the first lap. I'm sorry that you didn't win, you definately deserve it. Lila, you did amazing at the 1600. You were in 4th in the beginning of the 4th lap and just like that moved into 2nd. and for the people who competed yesterday. great job. sora, you pr'd in the 3200 and finished 4th. you raced such an intelligent race. you knew exactly what you had to do.

this season has been so amazing. I definitely could not have guessed how great it was going to be at the very beginning. the thing that made this season so great was everybody. I consider most of you guys to be some of my best friends. I always looked foward to practice, you guys made it the best. And to the coaches, once again somehow you made us perform. i know that without you guys, I and probably the rest of the team wouldn't be where we are now. your the best, you made dreams come true.


ps. I'm sorry for missing the after-race milkshakes but it just didn't work out. I'll just have to make it up at the banquet next week. I'll bring something really delicious.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.99 Miles 4:29
2.0 Miles Warmup  
1600.0 Meters 4:29 4:30 / Mile Race