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NE Islands ++

July 17, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Tired after yoga this morning. Got back late after a long lunch with a friend and then gave the giant breakfast burrito some time to simmer before I headed out. I went running during a pretty good time, all things considering. Hottest part of the day, but the humidity was at its lowest. So the trade off was fair.

Cloud cover started and few sprinkles during the run, but the rough weather is mostly north of the cities. We have had sooo many thunderstorms this summer. It's been nice but the god damn mosquitos. Sheesh.

Legs were a little beat up from a lot of things. Mostly from the lack of sleep and being hungover. Kept the pace easy today. Gonna stop at Midwest today and grab some shot bloks for tomorrow's run or something.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles 54:00 6:44 / Mile   Mizuno Wave Elixir (4)