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July 20, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

PT day... oh joy lol

25 minutes, around the lake, back towards the houses a lil bit and than back towards the PT place, than a lil past and not up the hill, than back. walked the hill i think.


bumped up a lot of the exercises

prostretch for a few minutes off and on per leg
3x35 reverse crunches
5x5 ball walkouts
manual stretch
4x30, moved closer ab crunches with ball
2x15 wall squats, one leg, STILL REALLY HARD
2x15 squats on Bosu
5x stool scoots, longer route
2x10 val slides
2x1.5, planks on Bosu
2 side stepping
2x15 clamS
2x15 hip extensions

was draining, Ice bath

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.98 Miles 25:03 8:24 / Mile