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attempted fartlek in the heat

August 2, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: not good

it was just not a good time/day to attempt this

started at MLK, ran up side of the hill you can't run, into the woods, which are no longer runable

finally got out the outerloop, ran that around to my car...

got gatorade and tried to run, started off as a jog on the inner loop, (same direction as when we did repeats in HS)

First Repeat,
.49-3:03, was pushing it pretty hard but couldnt get under 6:00. was very out of breath, jog afterwards was 8:50 pace

Rep 2,
.33, 2:06
just gave up, legs didn't have anything, was running 6:22 pace, knew that I was giving WAY too much effort to run these paces, so stopped

walked a good bit and went back to my car, than drove to SB to see if I could run a repeat on the track that fast or not.

went to the track, ran one lap easy picked it up last 30 meters or so

1:24 -5:34 pace
43. -5:47 pace
4:03 total

2:07 for 600 meters of hard running

once again I was running WAY too hard, jogged back to my car and went home called it a day, was not pleased but it happens so I moved on

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.2 Miles 34:00 8:05 / Mile