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8 x 800

September 21, 2010 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: humid and hot

2 mile warm up
8 x 800 @ 90% VO2 max, get faster by 2 sec every interval, 2 min jog recovery
2 mile cool down

Goal times:
3:01, 2:59, 2:57, 2:55, 2:53, 2:51, 2:49, 2:47

Actual times:
2:57, 2:58, 2:55, 2:53, 2:49, 2:46, 2:45, 2:40

I'm not completely positive of my actual times, but this is what I can think of from memory. had an awesome workout today. felt a little tired at the beginning, but the middle ones were pretty smooth. ran with jordan on all of them and we both hit under our times the majority of the time.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles 30:00
2.0 Miles 15:00 7:29 / Mile Warmup  
6.0 Miles Interval  
2.0 Miles 15:00 7:29 / Mile Cooldown