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Somerset Back to school Classic 8km

October 17, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50s, clear, breezy, perfect

Jealous from reading everyone else's race accounts... Decided to test the hip. It worked fine during the race, but it does give me a awful hard time when I ask that left leg to bend or support my weight while standing.

Decent warm-up after a lousy night's sleep. Still dealing with a lingering cough from a cold which never effected my energy. Tried not to take the lead for the first mile, but was clearly at the head of a 3-5 person pack for that time. Allowed eventual winner to slide up beside me along Wisc Ave and another fellow passed me on Willard. I decided I wasn't ready for battle and they began to pull away at 2 mile mark. Irritated to realize it was the Churchill coach catching me after that and traded off with him until mile 3.5. I was always stronger on the uphills, so I made the effort to try and loose him along to Bradley and up to Wisc Ave. didn't feel particularly strong at this point, but managed to push fairly hard down Wisc and onto Dorsett and up to the finish. the leaders battled until 300m to go when one pulled ahead. They were probably 20-30 seconds ahead by the finish.

I was fairly satisfied with the race. Time was fastest in quite a few years, and the effort was clearly unfocused and more strained than I'd hoped because of the interruptions to my training. All in all, it is nice to see the summer work is still paying off. It is always a great race to be part of. I had a good time.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.97 Miles 28:46:00
8.0 Kilometers 28:28:00 5:43:35 / Mile Race  
1.0 Miles 9:00 9:00 / Mile Easy  
1.0 Miles 9:00 9:00 / Mile Cooldown