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strength training

December 18, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Weights

i went to work out with ernest today. i haven't seen him since the summer, so it was nice to catch up. we worked really hard, and i was exhausted. milk was a bad choice-- i felt like i was going to throw up. we started with some hanging snatches? i think. with 95-lbs. basically i had the bar at knee level, then kind of threw it up above me and put my legs intoi a lunge position. on one of them i dropped the weight awkwardly and hurt my shoulder a bit. then we did squat exchanges while holding a 45-lb plate, and mixed in some pushup-like exercises. one was supermans, another like mountain climbers. ernest mostly trains football players, so it was a lot of speed oriented, fast-twitch stuff.
after that, he got us on an inclined treadmill and we started with the treadmill going at 12mph before we started, then ran, holding on to the treadmill for about 20sec. that went up to 13mph, then 14, then 15. finally, he had us run without holding on to the handles at a lower speed but higher incline. i'm not sure how long i ran for these, but basically until i fell apart. emphasis was on increasing turnover and getting knees high.
stretch, cooldown
on a side note, i don't always agree with what ernest does. for example, the lifting at the beginning was probably too much, and i should've switched to the 70 earlier than the last set. however, when we were sprinting on the treadmill, he said something to the effect of "you need to be able to keep your form even when you're exhausted, and if you can run this fast uphill, you can run a lot faster on the flat track." i definitely think that doing sprints when tired helps, and i'm glad i went today.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes