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there's snow place like home for the holidays

December 26, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

i couldn't resist the pun in the title. i love puns. i wanted to get in a run before my flight to spain today, so i ran while it was still a little icy. the roads weren't as bad as i thought they would be, but i still decided to run at the park. there was a bunch of brush and fallen trees over my usual trail, and it was hard to see the footing under the snow, so i went slower than usual, but it was manageable.
i probably won't be running tomorrow, since i'll be taking trains, planes, and automobiles to get to conil de la frontera. i've decided that my running logs will be in spanish for the next two weeks, so we'll see how that goes. got "once a runner" for christmas, i'm excited to read it--hopefully finish with all this travel i'm doing.

pick 6 abs, hips, stretching. a good day. still haven't finished packing.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles 46:00 7:40 / Mile