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wednesdays are too long

January 12, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

5 by 3:00 with 3;00 rest/jog. weird workout today. i wouldn't call it good but it wasn't as bad as i know i have fallen apart in workouts before. the first half of the workout was probably a little fast for me, was going at about 5:00 minute oace, a little slower, and that is still too much for me to do for that long even with the rest. i want to get after it in the workouts, but at the same time, i think i need to be careful with how much faster i'm running early in these workouts, because it will likely translate to my races. hopefully friday's workout i can avoid the fast start. shorter warm up and cool down for both mileage and avoiding a lot of mileage on the indoor track.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.5 Miles 45:22
1.0 Miles 7:31 7:31 / Mile Warmup  
4.5 Miles 30:00 6:39 / Mile Interval  
1.0 Miles 7:51 7:51 / Mile Cooldown