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the lost city of Z

January 19, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: biting yet bearable

A cold t-shirt and a cookie were the only sustaining items in my stomach, and on my back as we broke through the frozen cold wilderness that was Idaho.
Savannah, my fellow survivor, and I drafted off each other to barricade ourselves from the fierce biting wind that took away our breath away and left us gasping for air with burning lungs.

Soon, we had taken a wrong turn and our short 35 minute long run had extended itself into a long winding treacherous trek from ten mile then mcmillan, to linder then our final destination. We plodded along speaking of only food when we took a turn and suddenly, the wind was gone! it was now at our backs, gently nudging our torn cold bodies to the warmth of civilization. We soon reached the final signal, the lampost of Narnia, when my legs tightened and my fingers lost circulation and tingled strangely at the tips. So close, yet so far I thought as we passed the cracked sidewalk that led to a dingy yet busy gas station. God, do you really love me? I asked, as we passed my church. And finally we had reached the school entrance in the field, my shoes sunk into a patch of mud and I knew that somewhere this was actually someone's life. In reality all of these events happened but i really enjoyed the run. The End.

ps. we actually made it to the school. and God does love me. I added that bit for dramatic effect.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.5 Miles 1:00:00 7:59 / Mile Long asics cumulous 11 RED