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No more physics lab!!!!

April 13, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Swim

Weather: Donnell Pool

Was going to nap between Java lab and Pysics lab, but found myslef not doing much of anythigna nd decided I should get a workout in.
100 free
100 breast
50 hold breath
50 back recovery
300 progression free (100 easy, 100 tempo, 100 hard)
50 hold breath
50 back recovery
400 progression free (100 easy, 100 tempo, 200 hard)
Total: 1100 yds, 1000m

Felt pretty good throughout despite being sleep deprived. The last 100 was harder than I have swam before, felt like a hard half mile at the end of a track workout. Good workout overall.

Sleep: 7 hrs

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1000.0 Meters 32:55 52:58 / Mile Interval