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RACE Day Conference!!

May 8, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: HOOOT

Day two of the furnace at the MIAA Conference meet in Emporia and Hendee and I were set to race the 5k in the afternoon of a scorching hot day (upper 90's). Just like yesterday the heat played a MAJOR factor in the times because the weather did not give us time to acclimate. Hendee and I were pretty tired just from the warm up.
It was easy to see that previous races in the heat had added up on everyone since it started off at a dreadful and downright BORING pace. We had 4 sub 14:30 guys in this race and it went out in 5:20...terrible. So the main thing was just to stay patient. One major difference from the two days was that today there it felt like a nice blast of AC on the home stretch from the cool wind. After walking through 2 miles everyone was still grouped up had picked up the pace pretty hard on the last mile leaving it to the kickers. I started my kick and took the lead w/ 300m left but got passed up by the much faster Aka from Moso and Sialo from CMU. I still was pretty stoked for getting 3rd but I know if the race was on a different day it probably wouldn't have yielded the same results. Alot of work to do for next year

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.61 Miles 53:52
2.0 Miles 15:00 7:29 / Mile Warmup Brooks ST Racer
5000.0 Meters 15:52 5:06 / Mile Race  
2.5 Miles 23:00 9:12 / Mile Cooldown Brooks ST Racer