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First run with the BAA!

June 1, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: post-storm, windy and humid

...well I did well less than half their workout, but still. Ran to the harvard track to meet the team, ran with the women for part of their 6:20 pace tempo, then did some striders while they did 800s on the track. cooled down with the team then ran home. havent done a workout in a year, so i'll definitely be sore tomorrow, but i'm glad to be getting back into it!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.75 Miles 0:00
1.5 Miles Warmup Brooks Ghost - Green
2.5 Miles Tempo Brooks Ghost - Green
0.25 Miles Speed Brooks Ghost - Green
2.5 Miles Cooldown Brooks Ghost - Green