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My watch had a seizure

June 16, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 75, sunny

45 MED 20 HOT

terrain- flat for the first half, then some major uphills, then sloping downhill near the end
surface- gravel, canal, trail, bits of road
sleep- 7
hydration- 5/10

workout- 7/10. it was hot. Since i ran soon after i got up i didn't have a lot of time for water, but i wasn't completely dehydrated or anything. At the beginning my quads felt a little tight, which then changed to just my upper quads (psoas?), and then eventually they both went away. I did the HOT kind of early on so I could be done before i reached the big hills. HOT felt okay, it was mostly on the canal. Going up the two hills was kind of brutal, but then i got to the nice, shady trail and worked back up to a cruise until i was done. I think I may try to avoid this particular route on future hot and sunny days, unless i do it backwards.

other- earlier i happened to look at my watch, whose display screen was flashing on and off in a frenzied and chaotic manner. I took out the battery, but when i put it back in it did the same thing. Luckily I have a spare watch that looks identical (except the color), so i just used that. Gotta get a new battery for the other one.

OTR- str, ft drills, tilts

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.3 Miles 45:00 8:29 / Mile Training Green Pheonix Asics