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January 18, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

the weather was really gross out today. like rainy but still cold out. not a fan. coulda been a worse run though. my legs are starting to feel a lot less like dead weight when i run now. might be able to do a long run fairly soon. like more than 6 miles.

anyway, i got to thinking the other day about about the key things we identify with. like if someone asked you what makes you "you" what moments in your life made that particular aspect a part of you. and i wanted to think back on why i love movies so much. now i partially just think its in my dna, because my grandma watches tons of movies too, but i feel like there had to be some point in my life that really made me enjoy them as much as i do now. was it some time when i was a child, watching my favorite movies like lion king, or toy story. was it the first time i saw cast away, one of my favorites of all time. all those movies i saw with my girlfriend the summer before college, including toy story 3 three times in theaters and animal house for the first time. was it during college when i had much better things to do but still downloaded and watched more movies than any person probably should. but then i saw friday night lights was playing on tv the other day. i know i watched the movie at some point, but the importance of that title is actually in the television show they made afterward. i directed a movie once. like not some stupid 30 second youtube video i posted with friends. which we did a few times in middle school. but a "real" movie. in my sophomore english class my teacher mr. weaver made us watch and write about film and the things related to it once every two weeks after watching an episode of friday night lights in class. in addition to what we were learning, at the end of the year, each of his three classes would produce their very own movie with the whole class. it had to be 30-40 minutes long if i recall correctly and be an actual story, and have a script and a soundtrack and editing all this real movie stuff to be turned in and this and that. we voted on who would do what for each part of the movie. being the most popular and clearly most intelligent member of my class i was voted to direct our movie. which is really cool now im thinking back on it. not only because it turned out to be so perfect for me, but because i basically won the proverbial "class president" election that is a huge element of tv haha. at the time it just seemed like the hardest job to get for the project, because it would consume the most time but i think being the director of that movie is what spawned my love for them. i definitely remember the amount of work put into that. one, it was a year long project. two, as director i had to be there for every part of the process. three, i remember bonding with the other classes directors about how much everyone else sucked ass. i helped write and edit many many times the script. i had to set up where we were filming and tell people what to do because they didnt read the script. and i actually ended up holding the camera for a lot of the filming because even though it was other people's official jobs people couldnt make to all the sessions etc. i cant remember if i even made an appearance in my own film, tarantino style. i think it was a subtle no lines role. either way it was a power trip for sure. i had ultimate control over the movie. oh yeah and editing. that was a bitch too. because we definitely did not leave enough time for the editing part of the movie, i remember that. it was so crazy. we had to have a theme too it couldnt just be what we wanted it to be. ours involved some drug use and some other small "life lesson" to learn or something. it was really cool. and i'm pretty sure that project is what wholly made me love movies so much. to be apart of the frustration it took to create a 26 minute movie (no ones actually ended up being long enough!) was just crazy. and an awesome experience that makes me appreciate more what goes into the finished product we get to enjoy at theaters and on netflix. actors are so dramatic too. haha. it was an experience that i think i never thanked mr. weaver enough for. he inadvertently created or at worst reinvigorated a huge part of my personality, and i just cant help smiling thinking about how that part of me came to be. no one can ever see the finished product though. god was it awful. i cant stop laughing remember how bad all three of the classes movies were. i hope directors make mad bank for all the shit they deal with. specially when they make an awesome movie. and i lost the best director vote between the three classes by like 2 votes (from a panel of 20 or something) too when i totally deserved it. my class was clearly the most difficult to deal with. and y'know, i'm me, so i deserved that shit. good times.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles   Gel Contend 2 blue