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February 24, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

hello friend. hopefully you see this and read it. i spent my run trying to think of a way that i, as your wise, old (read:not that wise and not much older) friend could help you out. your logs make it seem like you are struggling to find your way running these days. i want to offer some help. who knows if it will.

"slept in a lot again. david and mercer both ran without me, so i took another day off. i don't know what i'm doing anymore."

i wrote that in my running-log on february 12, 2012. up to this point in the indoor season in which i expected to easily make my way to indoor conference i had run a 9:20 3k, and two 17:00ish 5ks. clearly not what i had expected. i also was in the midst of a 4 day span where i didnt run 3 of 4 days basically because i didnt want to. i have always had my struggles with performing well and doing it consistently and i dont know if competitive running ever had me more depressed than right then. but less than a week after i wrote this and every race until the end of that track season i ran personal bests. there was no magical run or experience that fixed whatever was making me have such a funky season. its something that i think you just have to let happen. running is hard but its equally hard for everyone out there.

so you have two options. you can do what i did then. take your injuries and your inconsistent mentality and just run. because thats what you enjoy doing and things will pan out. you are a runner at heart and that wont ever leave you. you will find success because when you dont find it, it bothers you as much as it does right now. or you can do what i did some of the other times i struggled with running, let that injury or mental block give you an out, and all you'll do is wonder if you could have been better than you thought you were because you just stuck it out for long enough. after all, isnt that what distance running is? sticking it out for the long haul?

side note: while scouring my logs for something to motivate you i found that march 2, 2012 was the day i first met you. you ran with me and ethan on a visit and i spelled your name wrong in my log. hahaha. keep your head up! it will get there.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles   Gel Contend 2 blue