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power workout

September 11, 2008 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Weights

balance bottom on foam square, feet in air, catch 8lb med ball, touch floor side to side once, toss to trainer, catch, increase each time through 10 touches;;

squats: 8 reps 95 lbs, 5/135, 5/155, 8/95;;

deadlift: 8/95, 8/95;;

stiffleg deadlift: 8/65, 8/65;;

bench: 8/95, 3/135, 5/105, 8/95;;

t-bar row: 8/45, 5/70, 5/70, 8/55;;

hammer bicep curl: 8/45, 6/55, 5/55;;

hammer seated dip: 8/90, 5/135, 8/115;

freemotion ab machine: 25/50

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes