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Rhyme Time

January 15, 2010 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Connor, Farmer, and me,
Set out to see what we could see,
We saw Lansdale, Del Mar Heights, and CCA
But that wasn't enough for us today
So we turned left down a long road to Westview,
Running this long was nothing new.
But there was something we'd never done
That was making this run not very fun
Yesterday's tempo was making today bleak,
Especially if you consider all the other miles this week,
So as we got near to turning around,
I decided to start something to flip the frown
So 5 miles away from the beginning,
I began joyfully singing
Connor thought I couldn't go on until the end
So to him a message I decided to send
The poem, therefore went on and on
Until the entirety of the run was gone
The poem was not of very high quality,
But made up for it in its lengthy quality
And so though we were all pretty tired
The nice poetry kept us inspired
So we got back from the run we enjoyed
Though Connor said he was quite annoyed
The pace was undoubtedly mellow,
But my legs also sort of felt like jello
So I was just proud to have reached the end
And glad that I didn't break- thoug I did bend
So now as I conclude the last poem for today
There is one last thing I'd like to say
I really enjoy running all around
And HAHA Connor, I win this round!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles 1:07:30 6:45 / Mile Long