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To the Kennedy School for a movie?

August 9, 2008 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Cool late evening, nice running weather

New Shoes today, A nice pair of mizuna's I like them, they are a little higher in the back end, and have a little less coosh, but I feel well supported. Nice fit for a 12.1 mile run (and yeah I stopped my timer at exactly 1:59:00). Made it to the Kennedy school but didn't stop for a movie, unfortunately I turned around and started my run back.

The run was interesting, I traversed from all the way in the south of Portland to the near northern extent of the city and back, and it was only 12.1 miles. Check out the route

I felt good, tried to concentrate on posture, form, stride, and the effect of the new shoes. A good run.

It is odd that I now feel like 12 miles is a harder run, while only 3 or 4 months ago a 3 mile run was almost impossible and a 6 mile a giant hurdle. I'm excited to see these advancements.

Oh I'm also signed up for the Hood to Coast run, and talk about excited. The weekend of the 22nd I will be running from Mount Hood to the Oregon coast. 197 miles of relay race with a team of 12 people. It is going to be exciting!,+-122.614840&daddr=SE+42nd+Ave+%4045.496181,+-122.618884+to:SE+39th+Ave+%4045.501940,+-122.622640+to:NE+33rd+Ave+%4045.566400,+-122.630650+to:SE+Holgate+Blvd+%4045.490309,+-122.614931&hl=en&geocode=13110957691037320383,45.490310,-122.614840%3B9650720493253109728,45.496181,-122.618884%3B2863276685595531006,45.501940,-122.622640%3B16911392753257439457,45.566400,-122.630650%3B7622652165218098893,45.518222,-122.630930%3B158681856078099481,45.490309,-122.614931&mra=mr&mrcr=1&via=1,2&sll=45.524239,-122.617035&sspn=0.025707,0.06609&ie=UTF8&z=13

Distance Duration Pace HR Avg HR Max Interval Type Shoes
12.1 Miles 1:59:00 9:50 / Mile 151 162   Mituno