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1 min on, 1min off, x10

September 23, 2008 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: in mi casa

That was exhilerating! Every time I hop on that bike, I get a very difficult workout from it. My les are starting to develope some hardcore muscle endurance. The result of this is that I can bike harder longer and consentrate on my cardiovascular work.

I'm starting to miss everyone at practice. Even though I've only been not coming for a couple of days, I'm wishing I could go back out and start running again. I saw mike at firman, and he told me what he did when he had problems with the tendons in his legs. Before the workout, he would heat up his leg with warm water. After the workout, he would then ice his leg. I've been trying this, and it seems to be working well.

Bad news from the trainer. He thinks my ankle may have broken and then healed together wrong. a small nump in the bone had developed and he thinks that that is what is hurting my tendons. He also wants me to go get it x-rayed again.

Now to what I think:

My ankle is steadily improving, letting it recover for awhile from running may be the best thing I've done for it in a long time. I'm still looking forward to coming out the meet before districts and tearing it up to get back on varsity. That means that I will have to pr by a minute. I think I'm well on track to do just that.

well, Ive got to do some homework, so

Signing out!


Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes